All full-time students who start at the college will undergo induction. As part of this process they will be given an induction pack which includes:
Welcoming talk by the Principal & SLT (Senior Leadership Team)
Student's individual timetable
Student Handbook which includes the College Code of Conduct, Learning Agreement & general information.
All students will be expected to adhere to the learning agreement, in which they agree to the following terms*:
I have read the College Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to its principles as summarised below:
Produce all work to the best of my ability.
Meet all work and administrative deadlines set by staff.
Be punctual and properly equipped for the lesson.
Attend all lessons and if absent provide proof of reason for absence. I understand that if my attendance gives cause for concern, I may be withdrawn from the college register.
Fulfill all other college obligations unless prevented from doing so by illness or other authorised reason.
Behave responsibly at all times and show respect to all members of the college community in order to promote a supportive and friendly environment.
* Please note our Learning Agreement, General Information and College Code of Conduct may be subject to change yearly.