2021-22 Staff
Mr D Benrimoj - BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE, MA.
Senior Teacher (Organisation, Pastoral & Exams) - Mr J Felice (ag)
Senior Teacher (Curriculum) - Mrs V Saccone-Recagno (ag)
Student Services Coordinator - Mrs K Imossi (ag)
Mr C Hayward - Maths Coordinator (ag)
Mrs E Cant - Languages Coordinator
Mr D Celecia - SENCO
Mrs S Roberts - Professional Courses and Continuing Education Coordinator (ag)
Mr F Gomez - Art & Technology Coordinator
Mr D Viagas - Business & Social Sciences Coordinator
Mr C Seromenho - IT Coordinator (ag)
Mr B Aswani
Mrs G Bosano - Assistant to Senior Curriculum (ag)
Ms A Casciaro - Assistant to Business and Social Sciences Coordinator (ag)
Mrs G Garro
Mrs A Gauci
Mr K Garcia
Ms E Gil
Mr K Guerrero - IT Resources Coordinator
Ms S Ignacio - Assistant to Student Services Coordinator: Adminssions & Assessments (ag)
Ms C McMath
Ms C Llambias - Assistant to SENCO (ag)
Mr M Montovio
Ms C Morello
Mr R Pereira
Mr G Pratts - Assistant to IT Coordinator : Curriculum
Mrs K Santos
Ms L Schembri - Assistant to Student Services Coordinator: Pastoral & Careers (ag)
Ms A Alvarez
Mrs S Bossino
Mrs T Bermejo Vasquez
Mrs D Cavilla
Mrs E Cortes
Mrs H Ferro-Porro
Mrs A Perez
Mrs M Serra
Ms G Stone - School Secretary
Ms L Yuste - EO
Support Staff
Mrs A Buddle - School Attendant
Mr E Buttigieg - Senior Technician
Mr M Pizzaro - Senior Technician
To contact our staff, please call +350 20071048 or email enquiries@gibraltarcollege.org who will then direct you.