The Gibraltar College is committed to the pursuit of academic excellence in all its activities, to equality of opportunity for all students able to meet the academic requirements of its courses and to an inclusive approach to equality. It encourages and supports all sectors of the community by promoting an inclusive culture in which diversity is encouraged.
The College is committed to a policy and practice which require that:
Admission to the College and progression between courses is determined solely by the personal merits of the student, that is:
Academic ability;
Aptitude for the course;
Ability to meet its demands both physical and intellectual;
Performance during the course(s) and
Personal behaviour.
No person meeting the above requirements will be barred from access by reason of their gender, religion, politics, race, sexual orientation, marital state, or for any other reasons except when:
All the places available on the course have been filled;
Statutorily-imposed conditions (e.g. the provisions of the Children Act) preclude the acceptance of the applicant;
The person is considered too young to be admitted on to what is, essentially, post 16 education;
The student is unable to meet any additional requirements of the, validating body;
The student is unable to meet the costs of the course being undertaken.
If any student or applicant considers that he or she has been treated unfairly or inequitably on any of the above grounds in their application, admission or progression through the course or courses, he or she may make a complaint which will be dealt with through the agreed appeals procedure for complaints or grievances as detailed in the College Charter.
Subject to statutory provisions, to the provisions of the Government of Gibraltar Standing Orders for Civil Servants and to conditions of employment as negotiated from time to time with Unions and Associations holding negotiating rights, no person accepted on the staff or already on the staff, will be treated less favourably than another on the grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), marital or parental status, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age, membership of a trade union or of a political party. For staff the only criterion for admission and progression shall be the ability to perform the job to which appointed.
In all cases, no action of the College shall contravene the provisions of the Gibraltar Constitution Order (1969).
Good Practice:
The College will take active steps to promote good practice. It will, as a matter of policy:
Promote equality of opportunity;
Promote good relations between people of different racial groups, between male and female students and between disabled and non-disabled people;
Promote the need to eliminate discrimination both within the College and in the Society it serves;
Subject this and all its other policies to a process of continuous re-appraisal to ensure that all its activities meet the requirements of the Gibraltar Constitution Order, (1969), any principal, dependent or subservient legislation and any other enactments and case law which may, from time to time, become operative and affect the provision of courses, the admission of students or the employment of staff;
Subject this and all its other policies to a process of continuous assessment in order to examine how the policies affect under-represented groups, especially ethnic or religious minority students and staff, women and disabled students and staff and to identify whether the policies help achieve equality of opportunity for all these groups or whether they have had no, or adverse, impact; monitor the recruitment and progress of students and the progress and development of staff to ensure absence of bias in favour of or against any person or group, however defined;
Promote an inclusive culture, good practice in teaching, learning and assessment and good management practice, through the development of codes of practice, policies and training; make known this policy to all interested parties, students, staff and parents.
Policy Development:
The College commits itself to meet all statutory obligations under relevant local, United Kingdom or European Union legislation which may be enacted in the future and to apply relevant external legislation as required by the Awarding Bodies. The College is cognisant of the provisions of the:
Gibraltar Constitution Order (1969);
Education Ordinance;
Sex Discrimination Act (1975);
Race Relations Act (1976) and Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000);
Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and amendments;
Human Rights Act (1998);
EU Equal Treatment Framework Directive (2000/78);
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001).
Employment Equality Regulations (2003)
Data Protection Act (2004)
This College is committed to the highest standard of excellence in teaching. The same commitment to excellence applies to the manner in which the College discharges its responsibilities for the health and safety of staff, students, visitors and all those who may be affected by College activities.
In meeting this commitment, the College acknowledges the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (UK) and the Factories Ordinance 1999 (Supplement 9 of the Laws of Gibraltar, sub Part 2, revised edition of the Laws Ordinance, 1998) and will take all steps within its power to provide a working and living environment which is healthy and safe for employees, students, contractors and visitors. That said, every individual has a duty in law to take care for their own health and safety and take due consideration for the health and safety of others. Compliance with all statutory obligations is a minimum standard. This Policy aims to go beyond this but will only work if there is a total commitment to health and safety by all staff and students at the College.
Responsibility for Policy:
The ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the College rests with the Principal. The management structure which gives effect to the implementation of the College Health and Safety Policy is shown in Annex A.
This College recognises that failures in health and safety management have the potential to damage the human, professional, financial resources and good name of the College. Control of risk is a management responsibility inseparable from other aspects of professional management. It is therefore College policy that all managers take responsibility for their areas of competence and, jointly, for the general health and safety management of the College.
To assist in the identification and control of risks, staff at all grades, without exception, are expected to report to their relevant line manager any perceived deficiency or action which could constitute a health or safety risk. Appendix A lists the relevant line managers and their areas of responsibility. The line managers, together with other members of the Co-ordinating Team, will act as the Health and Safety Committee of the College and will have the responsibility of advising the Principal as required by statute. The Co-ordinating Team, acting as the Health and Safety Committee, will also, where necessary, consider reports from Inspectors of the enforcing authorities, trade unions, the student body and other interested parties and will take such reports into consideration when advising the Principal. It shall be the responsibility of the Co-ordinating Team, acting as the health and Safety Committee, to evaluate all activities, processes and equipment in use at the College in the light of possible effects on the Health and Safety of students, staff and neighbours of the College and to advise accordingly.
Identification of Risks and Drafting of Safety Documents:
There is a statutory requirement for suitable and sufficient assessment of the identifiable risks to health and safety to be carried out, so that strategies for risk control can be put in place. The effectiveness of the existing control measures, as practiced in reality, will generally require to be reviewed to assess any residual risks. Such revues must be carried out, as a minimum, annually and in addition, whenever a new activity or process commences or new equipment is installed. The responsibility for assessment or the raising of concern is the responsibility of the Coordinator for that area, who will then transmit the results of the assessment or details of the concern to the Coordinating Team. Subject coordinators will also be responsible for the drafting of Code of Best Practice documents for each and every activity, procedure or equipment within their area of responsibility and for transmitting these to the Coordinating Team prior to their adoption as part of College Policy.
In many cases, it will be appropriate for a written risk assessment or Code of Best Practice to refer to existing local codes of practice on health and safety, which will include, for example, class manuals, equipment manuals etc, since these will have already been based upon the significant outcome of risk assessments. However, the changing face of work in departments often creates new transient risks associated with novel activities. Risk assessment clearly then becomes the responsibility of the immediate supervisor of the work in question. The details of the particular risk assessment will often be compiled by other employees or students concerned in the work, but the Subject Coordinator must always approve the assessment and the risk control measures before the work commences. Ultimately, the Subject Coordinator must be satisfied that risk assessments are being competently completed, that they relate to the actual working practices and that they are reviewed when necessary. There are no specific rules on how risk assessments are to be made or recorded. Trivial risks may usually be ignored in the formal process since they can be controlled by common sense measures. When hazards are few and risk assessment is straightforward and obvious to all concerned, a formal record is unnecessary. Otherwise, the level of detail in a risk assessment should be in proportion to the risks and the complexities of each case.
A written risk assessment should be produced and maintained by all Subject Coordinators for their department’s activities. Copies should be handed to all staff working in that department, whether permanent or part-time. The Subject Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that any significant risk is brought to the attention of the students either as a separate document or as specific warnings or instructions in class notes, assignment briefs or similar. Where the risk pertains to a particular apparatus or equipment, the Subject Coordinator should ensure that a suitable warning notice is displayed affixed to the apparatus.
Implementation of Safety Procedures:
First Aid Certificate Coordinators and Managers must ensure that the College Health and Safety Policy and Code of Best Practice is followed by all members of staff within their area of responsibility and by all students and ancillary staff working in that area of responsibility. To this end, they will arrange instruction and training for staff, ancillary staff and students to ensure familiarity with the Health and Safety Policy and the Codes of Best Practice and will provide all information necessary.
Infringements of the Health and Safety Policy or Code of Best Practice will, in all cases, be reported to the Coordinating Team and the Principal. The latter will then act as required, by statute or otherwise, to ensure compliance.
The Coordinating Team will monitor that the Health and Safety Policy and the Code of Best Practice is being implemented throughout the College and will set in train appropriate remedial action when monitoring reveals discrepancies.
All members of teaching staff have undertaken a First Aid course and have certification valid for three years.
Recording of Accidents:
All members of staff, in all grades, whether full-time or part-time are responsible for recording any accident which may occur either to themselves or to colleagues or to students they are supervising. For this purpose, an Accident Record Book will be kept and maintained in the College’s Reception. In addition, where the cause of the accident is deemed to be due to a deficiency in the Health and Safety Policy or the Code of Practice, staff will make a report to the relevant Subject Co-ordinator. Likewise, if the accident was caused by the member of staff or by a student failing to follow and/or apply the requirements of the Health and Safety Policy or Code of Practice, a report will be made to the Principal who will then decide on appropriate disciplinary action.
Maintenance of Equipment, Furniture, etc.
All members of staff, without distinction, are required to bring to the attention of the responsible Subject Coordinator and through the Coordinator, the Coordinating Team, any deficiency in equipment, facilities, furniture etc, of which they are aware. The report should be on the form(s) available for such purpose. Where the equipment, facility or furniture is deemed dangerous, the member of staff should ensure its withdrawal from use until such time as its safety can be determined.
Subject Coordinators and Managers should establish a maintenance schedule for items of equipment under their control to ensure that equipment is safe. Ordinarily, these maintenance checks will accord with the manufacturer’s recommendations. In the absence of these, the Subject Coordinator or Manager will establish a schedule with a minimum of an annual cycle and a lesser time interval if warranted.
Additional Documents:
All documents, manuals or instructions written in support of this Policy are to be considered as integral parts of this Policy. Alterations to documents must be approved by the Coordinating Team acting as the Health and Safety Committee.
Here is a summary of the College’s Special Educational Needs Policy. Parents and other interested persons can have access to the full policy statement, if they wish, by contacting the Principal.
The staff of the Gibraltar College recognise, and affirm the equality of right of access to the broad and balanced curriculum including the National Curriculum for students in our college who experience special educational needs.
The college adheres to the Code of Practice 3-stage model of response to the special educational needs of our students who are placed on our Register of Special Educational Needs and with whose parents we endeavour to work in partnership.
Whole-College Ethos:
The Gibraltar College, in common with all local schools, has a Special Needs Co-ordinator (Learning Support Coordinator as referred to in the college) responsible for co-ordinating our response to Special Educational Needs in order to ensure that the entitlement curriculum is sustained and for liasing within the college, family and outside agencies such as the Principal Educational Psychologist, Social services...
Identification of Special Educational Needs:
We are aware of the importance of the early identification of and appropriate response to special educational needs.
We recognise the need for on-going assessment to determine changing needs and our response to them; systematic processes using a variety of diagnostic and observational techniques are used, together with counselling of, and negotiation with, pupils in order to obtain a full overview and understanding of each pupil’s needs and how best to prioritise responding to them.
Curriculum Entitlement:
We recognise that in order to ensure success in, and access to, a balanced, broadly based curriculum for pupils experiencing special educational needs the following elements are important and necessary:
Programmes of study and schemes of work giving National Curriculum access whilst at the same time providing the variations necessary and teaching styles, pace, resources and assessment procedures in order to match the learning styles and needs of the pupils in question.
Provision of learning environments adjusted to suit the specific needs of pupils experiencing special educational needs.
General Aims:
The Department of Education (Dept of Ed) regards the following as important:
All children should be helped to develop as fully as possible during their period of compulsory schooling;
All children should achieve levels of attainment, maturity, and independence which will enable them to follow suitable and satisfying occupations and activities;
All children should have the ability and the will to make a positive contribution to community life.
In order to help achieve these aims, the Dept of Ed sees the formal curriculum as providing an educational experience which is broad and balanced and which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children and of society and which prepares all children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
In order to ensure that this curriculum is appropriate to his/her ability and needs, the pace and emphasis of such a programme may need adjusting from time to time. Particularly where students are encountering physical and/or learning difficulties:
A range of ultimate objectives are set which result in a balanced education that includes all of the areas of the national curriculum. Every effort is made to provide children with work which is interesting, relevant and stimulating.
Suitable systems have been set up for monitoring and evaluating each student’s progress.
Written records are kept recording student progress which indicates his/her level of attainment at various stages in the subject areas being covered.
Strengths and weakness are identified so that ensuing work can be planned progressively and according to need and ability.
The College analyses carefully the range of ability and the needs of its pupils, and tries to ensure that the opportunities exist for them to reach their full potential.
The programme of study is flexible to respond to their varying needs, including the less able and the gifted.
The College strives to ensure that the children can face an uncertain future with the knowledge that they have acquired the skill to learn, to adapt and to change:
Whatever the approach, detailed schemes of work have been produced which clearly define the content and objectives of the work.
For some the attainment of basic skills in literacy and numeracy will remain the most important target until the moment they leave the college, and the broad educational programme which they follow is designed to include every opportunity for them to become as competent as possible before they do so.
Where possible, the student’s work will be based on practical or applied experience, which takes account of the needs of the world outside the college. This is achieved through a work placement programme.
This policy is reviewed annually to ensure compliance with current regulations.
Purpose of the Policy for the Management of Controlled Assessments:
This purpose of this policy is to:
identify staff responsibilities in planning and managing GCSE controlled assessments;
[Taken from JCQ GCSE controlled assessments - Outlining staff responsibilities (editable template)]
examine potential risks and issues relating to the implementation of controlled assessments for GCSE qualifications and how these might be managed and mitigated through forward planning and remedial actions.
[Taken from JCQ GCSE controlled assessments - Risk management process (editable template)]
This policy complies with JCQ’s 2016/17 General Regulations 5.8 in that the centre is required to “have in place, and be available for inspection purposes, a written policy with regard to the management of GCSE controlled assessments”.
This policy does not cover specific instructions for conducting controlled assessments which are provided by JCQ and awarding bodies.
Controlled Assessment Policy:
Controlled Assessment is a form of internal assessment which replaces GCSE coursework. It encourages an integrated approach to teaching, learning and assessment. It is intended to enable teachers to authenticate and confirm that students have carried out the assessment tasks set in accordance with their exam specification.
The Gibraltar College is committed to the safe and secure conduct of controlled assessments in the best interests of students and with clear guidelines for all relevant staff.
All controlled assessments will comply with JCQ guidelines contained in the document ‘Instructions for Conducting Controlled Assessments’ of which every subject leader has a copy.
All controlled assessments will also adhere to awarding bodies’ subject-specific guidelines.
Every student will be given a copy of the relevant JCQ ‘Notice to Candidates’ before undertaking his/her first controlled assessment. This notice is also posted outside the Examinations Office.
As far as is possible the Head of Centre will ensure that controlled assessments are spread throughout the duration of Level 2 in the interests of students’ workload and resource management, especially with regard to the use of ICT facilities.
The Gibraltar College will ensure that access arrangements and special consideration guidelines are adhered to in relation to controlled assessments as they are with regard to formal written examinations.
Key features:
Enables a more integrated approach to teaching and learning and assessment.
Provides an increased facility to ensure that work is the student’s own.
Enables teachers to choose the timing of the Controlled Assessment.
Enables teachers to select a choice of tasks and contextualise them.
Is viewed as part of the course, rather than a separate activity.
It is an integral part of teaching and learning.
Usually takes place in the classroom, within the normal timetable.
Features levels of control designed to maximise reliability and authenticity.
Staff responsibilities in planning and managing GCSE controlled assessment (legacy GCSE qualifications)
Senior Teachers:
Accountable for the safe and secure conduct of controlled assessments and ensuring assessments comply with JCQ guidelines and awarding bodies’ subject-specific instructions.
At the start of the academic year, begin coordinating with Curriculum Coordinators to schedule controlled assessments to monitor the spread of controlled assessments throughout the academic year.
Map overall resource management requirements for the year. As part of this resolve:
clashes/ problems over the timing or operation of controlled assessments.
issues arising from the need for particular facilities (rooms, IT networks, time out of school etc.)
Ensure that all staff involved have a calendar of events
Create, publish and update an internal appeals policy for controlled assessments.
Decide on the awarding body and specification for a particular GCSE.
Standardise internally the marking of all teachers involved in assessing an internally assessed component.
Ensure that individual teachers understand the requirements of the awarding body's specification and are familiar with the relevant teachers' notes, and any other subject specific instructions, providing training to staff and ensuring access to the guidelines as contained in the JCQ publication Instructions for conducting controlled assessments circulated in September of the Academic Year.
Where applicable request a suitable supervisor for any session where the teacher/assessor is not supervising ensuring the recording of the date and time of assessments with details such as the name of the supervisor and candidates involved both presence and absence and log any incidents which occur during the course of the assessment.
Ensure that the examination entry for the candidates satisfy the terminal assessment requirement in accordance with the awarding body specification taken in the exam series in which the qualification is certificated.
Ensure that examination entries for all unit codes for controlled assessments are made to the exams office.
Ensure the provision of adequate secure storage is available and communicated to staff.
Ensure that any IT equipment, IT support and other relevant resources are booked in a timely fashion.
Where appropriate, develop new assessment tasks or contextualize sample awarding body assessment tasks to meet local circumstances, in line with awarding body specifications and control requirements.
Teaching staff:
Understand and comply with the general guidelines contained in the JCQ publication Instructions for conducting controlled assessments circulated in September of the Academic Year and issue to candidates the up to date instructions included within these instructions.
Understand and comply with the awarding body specifications for conducting controlled assessments, including any subject-specific instructions, teachers’ notes or additional information on the awarding body’s website.
Ensure that examination entries for all unit codes for controlled assessments are made to the Curriculum Coordinator .
Obtain confidential materials/tasks set by awarding bodies in sufficient time to prepare for the assessment(s) and ensure that such materials are stored securely at all times.
Supervise assessments (at the specified level of control). Undertake the tasks required under the regulations, only permitting assistance to students as the specification allows.
Ensure that students and supervising teachers sign authentication forms on completion of an assessment.
Mark internally assessed components using the mark schemes provided by the awarding body. Submit marks through the exams office to the awarding body when required, keeping a record of the marks awarded.
Retain candidates’ work securely between assessment sessions (if more than one).
Post-completion, retain candidates’ work securely until the closing date for enquiries about results. In the event that an enquiry is submitted, retain candidates work securely until the outcome of the enquiry and any subsequent appeal has been conveyed to the centre. Ask the appropriate special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) for any assistance required for the administration and management of access arrangements.
Exams Officer:
Enter students for individual units, whether assessed by controlled assessment, external exam or on-screen test, before the deadline for final entries.
Enter students' 'cash-in' codes for the terminal exam series.
Where confidential materials are directly received by the exams office, to be responsible for receipt, safe storage and safe transmission, whether in CD or hard copy format.
Download and distribute mark sheets for teaching staff to use, and collect and send mark sheets to awarding bodies before deadlines.
On the few occasions where controlled assessments cannot be conducted in the classroom, arrange suitable accommodation where controlled assessments can be carried out, at the direction of the senior management team.
Special educational needs coordinator/additional learning support:
Ensure access arrangements have been applied for.
Work with teaching staff to ensure requirements for support staff are met.
Risk Management Process
Process of Controlled Assessment:
The process has 3 stages:
Task Setting
Task Taking
Task Marking
Task Setting:
Tasks are set either by the awarding body (High control) or by the Centre (Medium Control) and in both cases, must be developed according to the requirements of the specification.
Task Taking:
Controlled Assessment tasks will be undertaken with three levels of supervision:
Formal (high level of control)
Informal (medium level of control)
Limited (low level of control)
HOD / Subject Teacher will be responsible for ensuring that an appropriate level of supervision is in place for each part of an assessment task. Levels of supervision are clearly outlined in each subject specification.
Formal supervision:
Candidates will be under direct supervision at all times – in most cases, supervision will be undertaken by the class teacher.
Use of resources and interaction with others will be limited to what has been specified by the GCSE awarding body.
Tasks will be undertaken during normal timetabled lessons in the usual teaching base (unless requested otherwise).
Use of mobile phones and internet / email access is prohibited.
If candidates have to use electronic storage devices for their assessment work or related resources, appropriate checks will be made to ensure only permitted material is accessible.
Subject specific display material with direct relevance to an assessment task will be covered.
A record will be kept of the time and date of each assessment together with the name of the supervisor(s) and all students present for the assessment session(s).
A separate record of any incidents which occur during assessments will also be kept.
Informal Supervision:
Interaction with others, including group work is permitted.
The level of supervision applied ensures that the Gibraltar College is able to confirm that plagiarism has not taken place and preparation for a final / formal assessment is the candidate’s own work.
Sources used by candidates are clearly recorded.
Limited supervision:
Some aspects of work may be undertaken completely without supervision / outside the classroom – this may include research and data collection.
Class teachers will make close reference to the relevant awarding body’s specifications when applying limited supervision.
Departments will set their own policies during Controlled Assessments tasks and share these expectations with the students.
Task Marking:
Class teachers responsible for supervising and marking Controlled Assessments. They are also required to sign a declaration confirming that candidates have completed work under the appropriate conditions and they are satisfied the work has been produced solely by that candidate.
This Gibraltar College will use the JCQ Declaration of Authentication for Controlled Assessments or a similar document provided by the relevant GCSE awarding body.
If either the candidate or the assessor is unable to sign this Declaration, zero marks will be awarded for the assessment task.
If candidate malpractice is suspected, this will be referred to the relevant Curriculum Coordinator and Examinations Officer who will follow the guidance set out in the JCQ Instructions for Controlled Assessments.
Internally assessed tasks will be marked by the class teacher according to the requirements of the subject specification. Work will be annotated according to subject specification requirements.
Coursework/Controlled Assessment is defined as any piece of written or practical work which is marked by the college or an external examiner and which contributes to an Award.
Students must have read and understand fully the up to date Notice to Candidates from the Joint Council for Qualifications about Coursework/Controlled Assessment Regulations.
Irregularities in Coursework/Controlled Assessment discovered prior to the student signing a declaration of authentication will not be reported to the awarding body but dealt with as an internal disciplinary matter. The work will not gain any credit.
An irregularity in Coursework/Controlled Assessment discovered after the signing of the declaration of authentication by the student will be reported to the awarding body which may lead to disqualification from the subject.
Coursework/Controlled Assessment must be handed in by/completed by the agreed departmental deadline.
Students are given clear instructions as to the deadlines for submission of completed work.
If there are any special circumstances e.g. prolonged absence covered by medical certificate, there is a possibility of an extension but this must be negotiated with the Curriculum Coordinator concerned
The Joint Council for Qualifications Code of Practice requires schools to have a published appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions.
The grounds for appeal relate only to the procedure used in arriving at internal assessment decisions and do not apply to the judgements themselves.
Internal Appeals:
Students have the right of appeal in situations where they feel their work has been assessed inappropriately or incorrectly.
Currently the policy and procedures for internal appeals can be found in the Staff T Drive/Policies.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review:
This policy will be monitored by the Examinations Officer and evaluated and reviewed by the Principal.
Dissemination of the policy:
This policy is available on request and can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: